We are a networking society for people both young and young-at-heart in Kansas City. Join us for our regular Happy Hours and other events where you can come and mingle with other professionals. All events are open to everyone including spouses and friends – the more the merrier!
Now that you have joined please make sure to add your information to the ‘Peddle your Wares’ discussion thread on the forum tab. If you haven’t already filled out your profile, be sure to do so as completely as you are comfortable with. Adding a photo of yourself will help to recognize you at future events.
Remember, this group is as good as we make it. Consider using other member’s products and services when available and make an effort to come to the events.
Spam is not tolerated on this site. If you believe you are being spammed or otherwise solicited from a member of our group (either on of off of the site) please bring it to Crystal Webster's attention. Guilty parties will be suspended from the site indefinitely.