Rules and Regs

Our group is a fun and outgoing group. The goal is to keep this a member driven group widely available to anyone - and without feeling as though they are being solicited to at every turn. Because of that we have put some basic rules in affect.

  • Any sort of activity that can be considered as spam will get removed and you will be banned from this site permanently. Activities include, but are not limited to, repetitive wall posting, sending mass emails to site friends about promotions or other work related activities, indicating what you do on site without being prompted (i.e. Peddle Your Wares Forum or your profile).
  • Advertising and support for this site must be approved by the administrator and fit the predetermined criteria.
  • Groups and events are for bringing people together for activities around the city and should not be used for business purposes. Business purposed groups and events may be set up on this site with the express permission of the administrator and an additional one time or monthly charge.
  • Additional charges may be waived at the sole discretion of the administrator.


  • All groups must be of a positive nature.
  • Groups, upon submission, must be complete; including photo and discription
  • Members organizing a group must have a completed profile, including photo and bio.
  • All groups must be approved by the administrator prior to being published on the site.
  • If group is of a business nature (i.e. promoting your business or profession) there will be a $5 per month fee, payable in yearly increments, that will be paid prior to the approval of the group.
  • All groups that have been inactive on the site for more than 6 months (180 days) will be removed from the site with no ability to recover data.
  • Charges may be waived at the sole discretion of the administrator.


  • All events must be of a positive nature.
  • Events, upon submission, must be complete; including photo, discription, date, time, and location.
  • Members hosting an event must have a completed profile, including picture and bio.
  • All events must be approved by the administrator prior to being published on the site. Events will also be added to the calendar.
  • If event is of a business nature (i.e. promoting your business or profession) and not supporting a philanthropic cause there will be a $25 flat fee that will be paid prior to the approval of the event.
  • Events for charitable causes and for non-profit organizations will be added at no cost.
  • Charges may be waived at the sole discretion of the administrator.


  • For a monthly fee you can advertise on the ‘Directory’ page plus advertise your logo down the right side of the page on every page (clicking on your logo takes you directly to your website). There are three supporter spots on every page and this will randomly rotate all supporters.
  • Static advertising is for a higher price and will be discussed per event
  • Information Needed:
    • Logo that can be scaled to no larger than 200x200 pixels
    • Contact information and web address
    • Brief description


  • $10 per month includes your logo, name, contact info, and a brief description (20-25 words and/or 3 lines of text) of your business on the ‘Directory’ page of the website.
  • Information Needed:
    • Logo that can be scaled to no larger than 200x200 pixels
    • Contact information and web address
    • Brief description

Yellow Pages

  • Is our free option, in return for a link to our site from your homepage. You will receive a link to your profile, your web address, and a brief description (20-25 words and/or 3 lines of text) of your business.
  • Information Needed:
    • Web address
    • Brief description

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